Monday, August 28, 2006

What I wake up to every morning.

I just had to share what I am so fortunate to wake up to every morning. As most of you know I am not a morning person. I even thought getting older I would become one but it's not happening. Anyway, no matter what kind of mood I am in or how tired I am I get to see this cute smiling face looking back at me. How sweet is that? She coos and smiles and even makes these goofy funny smiles ( kind of like the pic) that make the kids laugh. I know she is my last baby and I am enjoying all the sweet moments. She's already growing up too fast and I am kind of sad. I do await with anticipation for each changing month. P.S. We went to the dr. on Friday and she weighed a whopping 13.8lbs. Yeah Claire.


Andrea said...

That's a great picture. And I can't wait to see that smile this morning. I could really use it!

I miss the days when Ethan woke up like that. Now he wakes up pissed at the world until he's had his circle chocolate milk and about 10 minutes of "Woody Cup" or "Buzz Star."

Spicy Steph said...

Little "Porter" Claire is so sweet! I swear she looks so much like her brother! I just need to come over and spend more time with all of you. I miss you and those babies!

I wish I had a smile like that every morning to wake up to. Instead I have grumpy teenagers that don't want to go to school and a husband who is pissed at the world until he has his coffee! You are so blessed with your babies!