Wednesday, August 02, 2006

A Good Deed

The other day I was buying school supplies at Wal-Mart and as I was checking out the guy in front of me with 2 kids was telling the cashier he only had $40. His total was over that so he started putting things back. He was then down to 68 cents and the cashier was digging in her smock to see if she had it and she didn't so he started to put something else back and I said," I have it." He was so thankful. I have been there many times knowing I only have a certain amount and then went through the process of taking items off the ticket. I know it wasn't much but, he was about to put a Hamburger Helper back. Now that's a meal for his family. I felt good and hoped I made a difference. It sure made me feel good. If everyone would take the time to look for and watch for opportunities to help out our brother it would be a better world. Now Sister Dew would call that charity. The Pure Love of Christ. If you've read or are reading the book "If Life were easy, it wouldn't be hard." It's a pretty good one.


Spicy Steph said...

I wouldn't expect anything less from you. You are an amazing person with the biggest heart of anyone I know. I would hope everyone would do that for their fellow man but I know there are those out there who wouldn't. They are the ones that need to be prayed for. I love you!!!!

Andrea said...

That is one of the things that I have always loved about you - your love and concern for others and willing to sacrifice what you need for them.

Melissa said...

Hopefully one day that man will be able to pass along the same kindness to someone else in need. What a great example you were for him and all of those who may have been watching. You never know the seeds you may have planted.