Friday, August 04, 2006

Hurt... Porter... NEVER

If something is going to happen, it will to Porter. Last Saturday he fell on the metal frame of the bed and cut a huge hole on the inside of his cheek. I thought we were going to have to have to stitch it up. My boss Dr. Wallace and his wife came by to look at it. He thought it would do more trama to give him a shot and stitches than to just let it heal on its own. So we've had a lot of bland foods and a very sore mouth.
Today Porter was attempting to jump off the diving board backwards. I thought with the float sticking out he was safe.. Ha!! No he wasn't. He jumped and as I watched he slammed his chin on the diving board. Then there was blood and tears. He managed to get out of the pool and I checked him out. To my surprise , no holes, no broken teeth, no tongue bitten off , just a burn on the chin and a bite mark on the cheek. Whew, I was just picturing me,Hannah,her friend and Claire heading to the ER to get stitches. They would have thought the Beverly Hillbillies arrived.
For those of you who don't know we have had a broken arm. Yes, and he's only 5. Just last month he turned 5! I hope this isn't a sign for the furture.


Andrea said...

The diving board story makes a lot more sense now. Somehow when you were telling me I didn't get that he was jumping backwards. I got it now.

I like how in your explanation of injuries you left out the names of the people partly responsible (or those who have been blamed)!

Love you!

Melissa said...

How did he get a broken arm? Wasn't anyone watching him? :) J/K. Love ya Andrea!! :) Maybe he will be like Cory who had 5 sets of stitches (one of those also requiring plastic surgery) by the time he was 5. I just hope that if I ever get a boy that it won't be genetic.

Spicy Steph said...

Maybe the sign for the future is that he's getting it all out of his system now! But, this is coming from Grace herself! Really, I have no place in saying anything at all!!!!

I hope he is doing okay. Give him lot's of kissies from his Aunt Stephanie.

Spicy Steph said...

Hey...i left you comments for your comments on my blog!