Wednesday, August 09, 2006

My mom is an angel

This picture is a picture of my mom and her mom, my Grandma Eldora. This picture was taken on the day we buried my Grandpa Fredie. My mom is truly and angel in my eyes. She is taking care of my grandma. Anyone whose has taken care of someone knows how much love, time, care and concern go into this. It definitly is a selfless act of service. I know my mom wouldn't want it any other way. They are so cute. They go shopping, shopping and more shopping. I don't think I know anyone who likes to shop more (oh Hannnah does) . My mom takes her to her doctor appointments. She cooks for her and she tucks her in bed every night. She is doing so good. I know its because of all the love and care she has been given. I know my grandma is so grateful for my mom and I know their relationship has really grown. Thanks mom for being an angel. Someday I will be your angel.

1 comment:

Spicy Steph said...

You already are an'll just shift your angel direction! I love your mom too. She is like a mom to me and I'll never forget everything she's done for me throughout my life as well.