Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Ready For Battle

This is Hannah and Porter the other day. They were watching Narnia and Hannah was the horse and Porter was Peter. As the battle scene played they pretended to be in the battle too. I loved watching them. The more I thought about it the more I hope that they stay close through out their lives and help each other fight the battle along the way. I hope that she will carry her brother on her back or should I say he will be the one doing the carrying. it This is what makes them fighting all worth while.
Them playing together for a few precious moments.


Spicy Steph said...

I LOVE IT!!!!! They absolutely crack me up. I can just hear them laughing as they are playing the part! And, they have the best laugh! What a blessing our children are to us.

Andrea said...

Those are great pictures... and will be great reminders for them as they grow up. I cannot think of many better things than having children who will support, defend and protective each other - and together support, defend and protective what is right.