Wednesday, January 09, 2008

A lot going on

I have wanted to sit and blog but you know it means get the card out of the camera, put it in the printer, load the pictures, pick out which ones, then tell about Christmas,New Years. Ok, I am complaining and I am planning on getting it done because the end of this year means I get to order my books of my blogs. Keepsake for my children given to me by my husband for our anniversary. Great idea coming from a man. I have decided to go back to school. So I have been trying to get transcripts and decide which school. Big move for me. I also have a dental class all day at the dental convention and I have to pass the test after the class. No pressure there. I have also been in and out of the doctors offices with my hands to see what is wrong with them. Not to mention Jimmy is about to start another sememster of school!! UGH. Thanks for listening to me go on and on. On a more positive note I have had this incredible burst of energy the past 3 days and have gotten so much done, that is around the house and with the kids. No, I don't know what caused it or I would share it with you. Many have asked. Hope this finds you having a great day.


Melissa said...

You're going back to school? What do you want to major in? I think that is awesome. What a great example for your kids as they see you sacrifice in so many ways for a higher education.

Spicy Steph said...

Ok...I already talked to you on the phone so I already knew all this. Can you write me a new blog about something I don't know! Just kidding! I think I already know everything about you anyway!

I am so proud of you for going back to school. I know you will do so well. At least you don't have to live in that nasty dorm anymore like we did...what was that? 5 or 6 years ago? Okay, it was 20 years. You are going to be the best teacher because you have an amazing gift with children and such a giving heart. You will also do well in the dentist class b/c you have worked in the field for so long. It's also amazing how we are more in tune with things like that and do better now that we're older.

I love you and I'm always so proud of my sissy!

Andrea said...

Congrats on your decision - I think it's awesome. And I can't wait to see your blog book(s)!