Monday, November 19, 2007

Thankful for you

I often think of things I am thankful for but, keep it to myself. Its during Thanksgiving holiday that I might say it out loud. I am so grateful for so many things. I am thankful for the gospel. It paves the way for my everyday. Things that my Heavenly Father has given me. Air, water, flowers, animals, and soooo much more. I am truly grateful for family. I have the most interesting and amazing family. I so appreciate those that help me with my children and make them feel extra special. Sometimes I (mom) only has so much in her. I also am grateful for friends. Friends that have been there for me when I've really needed one. I couldn't make it with out you. Some days just your phone call means the world to me. I am thankful for our jobs, the cars we drive, and the house we live in. Running water, air conditioning, heater, lights, computers so I can blog, and pictures!!!!! I am thankful for our health. We have been very blessed. I witnessed this year working very closely to a friend with breast cancer. She went through chemo and radiation. I watched her body be attacked by this horrible disease. I stepped back many times and thanked God for my healthy body and my families. I became more familiar with my self this year. You could say it was because my husband is going to school to be a physcologist, but I think age and wisdom had more to do with it. I am still working on things, it might take forever. LOL. I am thankful for my husband and his kindness and love he has for our family. His desire to learn more about EVERYTHING. I am grateful for three beautiful children. They teach me things everyday. Patience is a big one. They teach me to slow down and take time to watch them grow and learn. They teach me to think as they do and to be innocent like them. They teach me that THINGS are not what matters most; it is the time spent with them that does. I am thankful to have one grandma left. I miss my grandparents so much. Having her to talk to and still see is a blessing. If you are reading this know that I am thankful for you and the way that you have touched my life. Some more than others. Some more my kids than me, but nevertheless I am thankful for you.

Happy Thanksgiving!!
We are driving to Colorado to see my Aunt Liz, Uncle Rick, Cousins Alicia,Cami, Grandma Eldora, my little brother Josh and his bride to be Christina and her parents. How much fun can that be!!! I will report when I return next week.

1 comment:

Spicy Steph said...

Beautifully stated. You know I am eternally grateful for you and your family. I love you so very much and I know you already know this! My life would not be what it is today without you in it. Thank you for being my very best friend and sister in soul.

Happy Thanksgiving to you too. I can't wait for you to get back home so we can visit and catch up on what happened over the holidays!