Wednesday, July 26, 2006

"Mamas Boy"

Today I had to go to work and so the kids were dropped off at Nancy's. They both didn't want to go which makes it hard on me. So on the way there I am trying to sike them up for going and that they will have a great time. I think a lot of it is Sara and Rachel are "teenagers" now and they like to sleep, eat, watch TV, and talk to friends. So little kids are not really on their summer agenda. Anyway, as I was leaving Porter kept kissing me goodby and hanging onto me. The look on his face as I drove away killed me. I sure hope he can do Kindergarten this year. I would keep him home forever if I could but I can't. I know he will love it. I just hate letting go. I realize once school starts I will not be his only teacher and influence. I hope what I've taught him will help him make good choices and choose good friends this coming year.

1 comment:

Spicy Steph said...

You have taught him well. He will be a great example for you!