Monday, November 03, 2008

"Its All too scary." says Claire Halloween 2008

We also decorated our pumpkins this year by painting them. They had so much fun and they turned out pretty cute. We did our traditional Halloween night which was to go over to Nana and Papa's house. We meet up with the cousins and a few extra and went trick or treating. The three smallest ones rode in the wagon. Claire was so cute. Her Arial costume was just for her (red hair). The tight mermaid skirt did not slow her down. In and out of the wagon. Up and down driveways to only kid friendly houses because everything this year was SCARY! She loved every minute of it. Porter was Moroni (Roman soldier) he of course was all into it. Jimmy made almost all of his costume. Hannah brought a friend this year and they had a blast. They went to the scariest house which is a long driveway by a pond. Lots of scary ucky people and they wanted to go back for more.

Who doesn't like to watch a good old Charlie Brown special. I think they've been around for years. Claire and Porter enjoyed watching it with their daddy.
This was the first of our Halloween festivities. We had our party at church and it was a "Going Green" You were to recycle a costume or use recycle items to make one. As you can see Hannah was the only one to do that. She was the Target girl. She did win 2nd place at the party in the kids division.


Jami said...

The costumes are great. We watched Charlie Brown too. The girls really enjoyed it. It looks like yall had a great Halloween.

Stephanie said...

So many pictures...where do i start? Porter look amazing! I love, love his costume. Way to go Jimmy King. (I also think he looks so much like Jim). Hannah is beautiful as always and I love the innovation with the target costume. And, little Ariel. She is perfect in that costume! I wish I could have seen her running up to the doors! I bet she was a ham. I laughed at the one pic of Ryan looking in that door!

Romy said...

Your kids costumes were very cute. Especially Porter's with his gotee. LOL :)