Monday, March 26, 2007


Today I had one of those days. Those of you that are stay at home moms understand all too well. It started out with Porter in a great mood and then wham it changed. He was on red most of the day. I think he is getting bored and is so ready for kindergarten. To add to this Claire is running a 103.8 fever and was up off and on all night. She just needed her mommy and wanted to be held (all day). Then I was supposed to feed the missionaries which was Porter's only highlight today and they called Jimmy on his way to get them and said that one of them had a migraine. So all the food and preparation ..... not to mention the clean house... oh well that won't hurt. I could go on and on with things that I would do and then have to redo because of some reason or another. To top it all I have to work the next three days. (which secretly after today I am a little excited). I just read an e-mail from a friend about moms and how we should be proud to say we are a stay at home mom. SAHM that's what I am. I am happy to be there for my children and raise them with values and be there for them when they come home. When they need to talk. I will never regret this opportunity or privilege. I hope to make strong souls to strengthen the world around them. So as I make those lunches, iron those clothes, help with homework, go to games, read them stories, watch those movies over and over, hold them when they are sad, high five them when they've done great things and kiss them goodnight, I say with honor in my heart and conviction in my voice I AM A MOTHER!!!!


Spicy Steph said...

You ARE the mother! You do a wonderful job. I know there are days when you just want to run away but you know in the long run everything you do is all worthwhile. You have beautiful, amazing, loving children and you should be VERY proud!

Melissa said...

Nicole, I loved your post!!! Thank you for reminding me of the importance and blessings that come from doing all the little mundane things everyday as a mother. It really is worth every poopy diaper, accident on the floor, diaster needing to be cleaned, and child needing all of your attention. I think as a mother, we truly do learn what it means to lose ourselves in serving others.

Andrea said...

You are an amazing mother and are willing to sacrifice yourself constantly for your children (and others). You are doing an amazing job carrying the weight of everything you have to right now. And you're right. Even though we sometimes need reminders... we are doing this to give our children every possible strength they can have to make it through this world that they have to face. I love you. Thank you for your example.