Saturday, September 02, 2006

Jimmy got accepted

I am so happy for my husband. He got accepted to Argosy University. He will start his masters degree in psychology this next Saturday. He will be in class for 15 weeks every Saturday. (8:30-5:00) this will go on for4 years I think. Oh my gosh! I will be a single mom forever. I know this sounds so selfish but, I must vent somewhere. I started working 2 days a week now. I do enjoy working but it is very hard to get everybody ready and where they need to be. Those of you who have done it understand. On top of that my cleaning job up at the office is still once a week and I still am cutting hair. Oh and trading babysitting. Hannah will start volleyball in Oct. I am sure most of the games will be on Sat. Guess who will be taking her and toting 2 kids . I feel like a baby whinning about this but, Jimmy has been such a proactive parent that it will be quite an adjustment for all of us. So if I look a little more frazzled you will know why. I know this is something Jimmy has been interested in for years and as we all know the computer field is paying less and less. He has always helped people and people find him to talk to him about their problems. He will do well. So here we go.


Andrea said...

Wow. As I read through your post and the list of your committments right now, I felt a little overwhelmed! There are not many people that could handle as much as you do. I know that you feel like you fail in some areas, but I think that you are doing an amazing job. And even though it is going to be difficult for the next while, you have so many people who love you and are willing to do anything for you - me, for one. You will make it through... and so will your kids. And on those days when you feel like you just can't do it, all you have to do is make a phone call and we will be there. I love you!

Spicy Steph said...

I am so proud of Jimmy too! I know he has wanted this for so long. Way to go Jimbo!

As far as it being hard, being a mother and wife is the most difficult job in the world. Plus, we have to keep up with everything else work, friends, church, other family. You always do so well and your family always lands on it's feet. I have no doubt this time will be no different. You are such an amazing woman with such strength. This will only make you stronger, more focused and committed. Your children will love you even more for all your sacrifices. You are showing them what a strong, loving wife and mother is. You know I will be there every Saturday I have the chance. I am not going to miss out on one moment with my sister. In fact, I have a weekend coming up real soon and you better just go ahead and expect me to be there and help take up the slack! I will be on Aunt duty and happy about it! I love you, Nicole and if all else fails, there is this wonderful little pill called wonders on stress! Venting is also nice and I'm always here...just call! Love you so much!!!!!!

Melissa said...

Andrea is such an awesome friend, isn't she? You are amazing Nicole!!! I don't know where you would ever find yourself failing!!! That is so awesome about Jimmy!!! Just remember that although you have many important things that you have to do, don't forget to make room for the essential things that will bring you the peace and comfort from the spirit that you will need to make your burdens feel light.

Spicy Steph said...

You know the comment about the Ativan was a joke!!!! Anyway, how can you ask about me not posting? You haven't in a while either! I love you and can't wait to see you Saturday!