Saturday, February 02, 2008

I've Been Tagged

I got tagged so here it goes

10 years ago I was 28 years old and had been married for 4 years. Hannah who was 9 months old was the light of our lives and we had just moved into our first home. I remember living on a dime. We pinched every penny, but we were so happy.

5 things on my to do list today...

1. help Hannah get ready for her Hannah Montana movie day
2. attend Abby's baptism
3. get groceries
4. clean downstairs (in-laws and my mom coming over Sunday)
5. finalize my lesson for Sunday

5 snacks I enjoy...

1. Bluebell ice cream
2. Bluebell ice cream shakes
3. Bluebell icecream
4. chips
5. granola bars

5 places I lived

1. Dillon, Montana
2. Billings, Montana
3. Tyler, Texas
4. Sulphur Springs. Texas
5. Arlington, Texas

5 jobs I've had

1. Eckerd Drug (in high school)
2. Walmart (in college- my husband said he'd never admit this one- hey, it helped my bills)
3. Tyler Juinor College
4. The Parlour (did hair for a while)
5. Dr. Wallace (Dentist office at now)

5 things people don't know about me

1. I want to be a Nascar driver and I love demolition derbies (yes the redneck is showing)
2. I'm a smell freak (I can smell a bad odor from far away- good ones too)
3. I love to sit and talk to old people (they have so much to share)
4. I took tap, jazz, and ballet for 13 years
5. I can't stay awake during MOST movies

Ok, now that I've done my part, I tag Stephanie, Julie and everyone else who reads my blog but never comments. You know who you are.

1 comment:

Spicy Steph said...

Fine, fine...I'll do it!

I already knew all this about you! Well, except maybe you want to drive NASCAR. But, I did know about the derby thing! Let's see if you know all the things I list....