Sunday, August 12, 2007

Our trip to Montana 2007

These are all our family pics
It was so much fun to see everyone and we miss you guys.
The one with Jimmy,my dad and Porter is on the fourth of July.
Claire was having fun with Papa Bill's cell phones.
Aren't these the cutest twins you've ever seen.
I had to get a picture of the three red heads in our family. Amazing enough none of the parents have red hair.
The all lady pic is a 4 generation picture adding another female. Porter was quite ticked and did not understand why he couldn't be in it.

1 comment:

Spicy Steph said...

They are such cute twins. I still see your bro as that guy in high school that picked on us. I can't believe we are all grown up with kids now...Precious kids! You have an amazing family.