Wednesday, December 06, 2006

A Ride In Heaven

I just need to share this story and to keep it for the kids when they get older. My Grandpa Freddie died a year ago last October. (2005) He was 89 years old. His birthday was yesterday, December 5. Every year on his birthday (except last year because he was too sick) he rode his horse Nick (which by the way I named after myself--ask me why I don't know- I was young) He was so bow-legged he would take the horse on the side of a hill just to mount him in his latter years. So last week Nick had a stroke and was put down on Saturday. Very Sad. It was like a last piece of grandpa. Anyway, the we think the horse was heading up to heaven to be there for grandpas birthday so he could ride him. Grandpa I hope you enjoyed your ride. By the way Jimmy said I should blogg this. Can you believe it? This picture was taken a few days after grandpa passed away looking towards the Bison Range.


Andrea said...

That is such a beautiful picture - and such a sweet story. While I was reading it, Ethan climbed up onto my chair and said, "That sky is beautiful!"

Spicy Steph said...

I loved your Grandpa Freddie. He was so special! I know he had an awesome ride with Nick yesterday! The photo is so beautiful and after visiting there with you, I have to say you can only see a sky like that in Montana.