Hannah lost a tooth the other day, so she decided to write a note to the tooth fairy. So when she went to bed she left the tooth in the change/drink holder in the car and the letter to the tooth fairy in the kitchen. hmmm do we really believe and want some money? Anyway, I brought the letter up with some money and was going in her room and Jimmy said I don't think she's asleep. So I played on the computer and waited and guess what???? Yes, I went to bed and forgot. The next day she didn't say anything until she needed help on the computer. I went to help her and there I saw the letter and my heart sank. I said to her where is the money that was here? She said, "I got it and put it with my other money because it was from the tooth fairy." I said, how did you know that wasn't mine or dads money?" She looked at me with that I'M SO CONFUSED LOOK and I just smiled and said lets drop it. So we did and nothing was ever said again. Ok, I think she's caught on. Don't you agree. I think like Jimmy has always said You have to believe to receive!! I think she's still believing.